
First Deal Closed!

Today was a pretty exciting day at work. Seven months ago Trialbee took a risk hiring me as a newly imported American. I had just been here for 3 months […]

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Ales Stenar & Sandhammeran

On a rare sunny weekend in Sweden, Daniel took me sightseeing. Our first stop was Ales Stenar. Today this fascinating monument consists of 59 raised stone blocks placed in a gigantic […]

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2015 Lundaloppet 10K

A few months ago I suggested that Trialbee join the Lundaloppet 10k race. It’s an annual race that the city of Lund puts on and Trialbee had participated in it […]

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I recently had the opportunity to travel to Boston for a trade show with work. I had been to Boston in my early 20’s and I remembered it being such […]

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Back in New York!

So I’m back in New York! Another meeting booked and I’m beginning to love this gorgeous city and it’s quickly becoming my 2nd favorite. The weather was cool, but sunny […]

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