About Me

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my author’s page. I’m a California native living in the South of Sweden with my husband and son. Writing has always been my creative outlet and it’s been my lifelong dream to publish my writing.
Perhaps, one of the most important learnings that I’ve come to realize during the COVID-19 pandemic was that life is too short not to pursue your dreams. So that’s when I decided to take a chance and publish my first children’s picture book, Sunny & Moony.
The idea for this story came while putting my son to bed one night. It was just in the beginning of this pandemic and we really didn’t know what to expect or what we were dealing with in terms of this deadly virus. As parents, we are the pillars of strength that holds our house together and we are supposed to be the ones to comfort and keep our children safe and secure, even if we didn’t feel so ourselves. My husband and I kept life moving as “normal” as possible for our son. Even though, he had not seen his grandparents who lived only a few minutes away for more than two months. We kept him safe and we kept him home.⠀
On this night I made up the story of Sunny & Moony. It’s a story about sacrifice. It’s a story about family. But most importantly, it’s a story about love, which has always been my strength. So, with this first book, I hope you feel comforted by the words I wrote to make my own family feel safe and loved.⠀

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Melissa Nackovski


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