Author: melissanackovski

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First Deal Closed!

Today was a pretty exciting day at work. Seven months ago Trialbee took a risk hiring me as a newly imported American. I had just been here for 3 months […]

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Ales Stenar & Sandhammeran

On a rare sunny weekend in Sweden, Daniel took me sightseeing. Our first stop was Ales Stenar. Today this fascinating monument consists of 59 raised stone blocks placed in a gigantic […]

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2015 Lundaloppet 10K

A few months ago I suggested that Trialbee join the Lundaloppet 10k race. It’s an annual race that the city of Lund puts on and Trialbee had participated in it […]

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I recently had the opportunity to travel to Boston for a trade show with work. I had been to Boston in my early 20’s and I remembered it being such […]

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