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Last night we went to our first Halloween party in Sweden! It was hosted by the Karadakovski family and they always throw the best parties! They even rolled out the red carpet for the event! LOL! Everyone dressed in costume which made it more fun that everyone participated. The house was decorated in Halloween orange and black with scary spiders and skulls touches.

The incredible hosts, The Karadakovskis!
The incredible hosts, The Karadakovskis!
Here with Lady Liberty and some of the decorations.
Here with Lady Liberty and some of the decorations!

I dressed as a leopard and Daniel went as a Alexander the Great. We had all sorts of characters: Dracula and his witchy queen, a clown and her pirate, Lady Liberty with her dentist, a dark angel and her chainsaw welding maniac serial killer.

Our costumes, I was a leopard and Daniel dressed as a warrior.
Our costumes, I was a leopard and Daniel dressed as Alexander the Great.
The scary bunch!
The scary bunch!
The party animals!
The party animals!

Everyone had a great time and really got into the spirit. We had great 80’s tunes playing and danced the night away. The food and desserts were delicious, but it was the laughs and silliness that made the night. I feel very blessed to be surrounded by such nice and fun people who have accepted me as one of their own. They make not being home not so bad.

My favorite picture of the night. Feeling very loved. :) <3
My favorite picture of the night. Feeling very loved.