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Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe: Italian chefs show the world the correct way

The other night as I was researching new recipes for this week’s dinners I stubbled upon the article above. Apparently, spaghetti bolognese has been abused for many years by everyone. Everyone and their mom has their own recipe on how to make the perfect bolognese, but I wanted to take on the true Italian approach. So last night that is what I set out to do.

Nothing smells better than bacon, garlic, and onions... NOTHING!
Nothing smells better than bacon, garlic, and onions… NOTHING!

The recipe said to use pancetta, but I couldn’t find any in the 3 grocery stores I went to, so I had to settle with some thick cut bacon. I wish you all could have smelled this… it was divine.

After simmering on low for 1.5 hours, this is the result.
After simmering on low for 1.5 hours, this is the result.

This is definitely not a quick dish to make on a week night especially if you have kids. The entire process from prep to this point took about 2 – 2.5 hours, I lost track of time because I was a little buzzed from the delicious wine that was required in the recipe. Light weight drinker! Anyhow, the smell in my apartment was delicious. I used egg noodle tagliatelle as my pasta, baked some garlic bread and topped it all off with fresh grated parmesan cheese. Daniel loved it so much he had 2 servings and he didn’t even add ketchup! LOL. What is up with that anyways? I would never add ketchup, it kills all the flavor of the sauce or breaking spaghetti noodles in half before cooking it… you just don’t do it!

The final product! And we definitely are heavy handed when it comes to the sauce!

The final product! And we definitely are heavy handed when it comes to the sauce!