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So during this time of transition as I look for a job and wait to start language school, my role has been of a housewife. I’ve always thought that if I were a housewife, I would have a life of leisure taking tennis lessons and having lunch with girlfriends after a shopping trip on Rodeo Drive…but since we aren’t billionaires… I have thrown myself into the other roles of a housewife which includes: housemaid, laundry maid, and chef. I know I should enjoy this time of not having the pressures of work, but being a housewife does come with it’s own pressures. Because I’m home all day the house should be immaculate at all times, which it is thanks to my OCD. Also, every item of clothing should be pressed and wrinkle free. Meals should be of restaurant quality in both nutritional value and tastiness. Okay, so this may be the pressures I place on myself, this is attributed to another one of my quirks, perfectionism. But in striving for perfection, I have managed to make a few good meals. Tonight I’ve made bacon wrapped pork filets with oregano, basil and garlic salt seasonings with a pasta feta salad.

Bacon wrapped pork.
Bacon wrapped pork.

Last week, I took Daniel on a food adventure to Vietnam making some traditional Vietnamese food. Finding authentic Vietnamese ingredients is challenging here in Sweden. They have a lot of Thai spices, but not many Vietnamese flavors. I made a traditional pork and egg stew and an egg drop tomato soup. All to be enjoyed with rice. I enjoyed the meal because the flavors brought me back home. I’m not sure if Daniel felt the same, managing the chopsticks proved to be challenging, but he was a good sport. Maybe next time I will try to make Pho…wonder where I can find an ox tail?

A normal Vietnamese dinner: Thit Kho Heo Trung (pork and egg stew) and egg drop soup with tomatoes and green onions.
A normal Vietnamese dinner: Thit Kho Heo Trung (pork and egg stew) and egg drop soup with tomatoes and green onions.


    • Linda Souza

    • 10 years ago

    Where’s my bacon-wrapped pork?! 😉

    Looks delicious!

      • missalovesyou

      • 10 years ago

      On your next trip to Eslöv I will make this for you, I promise! I have to bribe you somehow to come back here! 🙂

    • Linda Souza

    • 10 years ago

    Paris also requests a portion. Was there dessert, she wants to know. (She wants that too.)

      • missalovesyou

      • 10 years ago

      No, no dessert… we are both trying to cut back on the sweets now that our cookie monster guest is gone. 😉

    • Lilli

    • 10 years ago

    Hi Melissa, you can buy an ox tail at a store called CityGross. There is one in Lund, Höör, Malmö and many other cities.

      • missalovesyou

      • 10 years ago

      Thank you so much Lilli! I will look into that! 🙂