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I know this post is a bit late, but it’s becoming harder and harder to find time to post these updates! Plus, we had a very busy month. This past month I’ve seen a shift in development not only in Theodore, but also in myself. It’s as if we’ve climbed up a really steep mountain and now we’re looking down at the other side. I know, a bit dramatic of a description, but that’s exactly how these last 3 months have felt so it is such a relief that it seems to be getting better.

Theodore hit another leap at the beginning of this month and also a sleep regression. He’s been waking up sometimes every hour to eat/snack. Sometimes he wakes up ready for the day, but little does he know it’s only 3am and Mommy is completely exhausted. We have continued with Daniel taking over weekend sleeping duties, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like enough. I’m doing my best to sleep when he takes his naps, but even those are becoming shorter and less as he is growing. He has started teething which is a drooling mess, he champs on his hands to get relief even though I’ve purchased several different teething toys. Not sure he quite understand how to use those toys just yet. It’s been fun watching him change and grow, but we definitely have our challenging moments.

Daniel and I have come to the conclusion that perhaps we have a sensitive baby. Of course we have nothing to compare this with, but when I am at my mommy groups with other mothers and babies around Theodore’s age, they are usually calm and quiet. Theodore on the other hand can be fussy, extremely talkative or just loud. We love that he’s so vocal and expresses himself with squeals and sounds. We say he has a lot of “personality”, but it does present a challenge if we want to take him out in public. I’m one of those apologetic mothers that doesn’t want my child to ruin the mood with his crying, but I’ve become a little more confident in taking him out and about. If he cries, I try to take him away from others to calm him down. Usually it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

For the most part he is a happy baby, he’s always giggling and laughing and squealing. He loves to be tickled and is always ready to play. Equally, he can scream his lungs out and sometimes it shocks both Daniel and I how long and loud he can be. He’s grown a bit since the last time he is now 64 cm and 6850 kg, he’s average for his age although next to other babies, he is still on the small side.

We’ve continued with our baby swim classes and he loves it except for the exercise when we have to submerge him underwater. He tends to freak out and can’t understand why I’m dunking him under the water. He usually cries for a few minutes then he’s okay again.

I’m really enjoying this time with him as he’s becoming more aware of his surroundings and us. He is able to grab what he wants and focuses on things that are new. It’s amazing to watch him reach different milestones on a weekly basis.