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Missa Loves You

I couldn’t think of a better time than on my birthday for the relaunch of Missa Loves You. A year older and wiser, I’ve taken the time to focus on my point of view. What started as a blog to stay connected to my friends and family has now evolved into a creative space where I can share my insights and daily life.

I’ve added some new categories that are near and dear to my heart so I hope everyone will like them! I will go through each of the categories in the weeks to come, but I want to thank you for joining me on this journey. A lot has happened since my last post and although I’ve been very bad at keeping the blog updated… (hey, life happens!), I promise to recap some of my favorite moments!

So, what can you expect from the new Missa Loves You blog?

  1. More frequent posts
  2. DIY projects
  3. Delicious food recipes
  4. Book club
  5. Health and wellness
  6. Travel ideas
  7. Pretty photos

I hope to bring meaning and substance to each of these categories. It couldn’t ask for a better birthday than to share this with everyone and to send a heartfelt “Thank You!” to my dear husband, Daniel, for always supporting me and indulging in my dreams. I love you very much.