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New York is Always a Good Idea

I realized I haven’t posted any of my amazing NYC trips! My best friend, Jenn and I have always talked about how we need to be more spontaneous. We have such type-A personalities that it’s hard to just drop everything and do something random, but that is exactly what we did last June. I know I’m months behind, but still… I wanted to post our memorable 31 hour trip to NYC!

Here’s the back story: I was back in the states for another conference when I knew I would have a night over in NYC, on the off chance that anyone would come out to meet with me I thought of the only person that was ballsy enough to do it, it was Jenn. I texted her a few weeks before my trip to see if she would be interested in a quick 1.5 days in NYC! To my shock (no really) she was down for it! I didn’t know what to think, but I was immediately excited. I hadn’t seen her since my move to Sweden so this would be the first time we’ve saw each other in over 6 months. She’s a busy working woman with 2 small children, so I knew it would be a long shot. But we decided to go all out.

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We met up at the airport, her flight arrived an hour after mine and I waited for her at baggage claim. The poor dear had to wake up at 3am to catch her flight to the East Coast. I can’t tell you how happy I was to see her. She’s been one of my closest friends for over a decade and is one of my main supporters. We support each other in everything we do and I couldn’t believe we were going to see each other for only 31 hours!!! Finally, we did something totally spontaneous and crazy. We were bound to relive our youth and go all night. I had arranged a driver to take us from the airport to the hotel.

From the hotel we wanted to be “city girls” and took the train down to Soho. I’ve become quite the experience traveler these days so I was comfortable riding the train. This was Jenn’s first time so it was a new experience for her. There we were, dressed up wearing our Chanel’s and on the train. Nobody would ever think two girls from LA could hack the train like we could.

Our first stop, of course… CHANEL.


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If you think about our story for the weekend, it was pretty wild. I’m now from Sweden, she’s from LA and we met in the middle of the world for 31 hours of fun! The girls in Chanel loved it so much they began pouring bottles of champagne! Maybe it was to get us to buy something, but it worked. Jenn, being the sweetheart and generous person she is gifted me with this amazing Chanel bracelet! I couldn’t thank her enough! Her being in NYC with me was gift enough!


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From Chanel we knew we wanted to get our make up done for the evening so we went to Sephora. Luckily we are both VIB members so we both got a full make-over. We were in full glam mode and feeling great after a bottle of champagne at Chanel.


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From Sephora then back to the hotel for a quick change for dinner and drinks. This to me is the funniest part, getting ready together. I bought us another bottle of champagne and we dance around the room laughing, drinking and getting ready. I’m going to have to say, we clean up real good! I think we were pretty impressed with ourselves. It felt like a really long time since the last time I had a glam session. We felt like we were back in our 20’s, just classier.


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We had dinner reservations at the exclusive restaurant named…what else… Daniel. We were seated in the middle of the dining room with all eyes on us. Everyone else was on a date or a business meeting, we were there for pure fun! We ordered the delicious tasting menu and closed down the place.


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Not wanting the night to end we went to the Gansevoort hotel in the Meatpacking district. We made fast friends with a couple that was there for work. We drank, danced and ate pizza! I don’t remember the rest of the night, it was a bit hazy, but it was an epic night! I remember Jenn falling straight to be as I forced myself into the shower, drunk and happy.


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The next morning was rough… I forgot how it felt the morning after a fun night. Needless to say, neither of us were feeling like we were in our 20’s anymore. We had afternoon tea at the Plaza Hotel, but neither of us had much of an appetite. We were spent, but happy reliving the night before. We had to stop at Bergdorf Goodmans because Jenn had to get a NYC souvenir and of course it had to be CHANEL! She got the most beautiful cross body bag, perfect for everyday on the go.


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After we headed to the airport where we said a tearful goodbye. It’s bittersweet every time I have to say “bye” to someone. It’s hard to remember that I won’t be going back to LA with her. This is one trip for the books. An epic 31 hours for an epic friendship. So grateful.