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The Proposal – Bended Knee

July 5th, 2015 –

Today I said, “Yes!” to happily ever after with Daniel. We had just started our vacation in Macedonia and was making our way to Bitola from the capital, Skopje, where we spent a couple of days. His cousin, Zoran and his gf Natasha, had picked us up and we were headed to the region Daniel’s family was originally from. Daniel had always talked about the village his father was born and raised, Beranci, and since it was on the way he wanted to show me the house his father was born and the church that his father and his brother was baptized. Daniel has always been a traditional family guy with pride of where his family came from, I was happy he wanted to share this part of his life with me. I also wanted to see it for myself since he always talked about it. We made our way up this windy, bumpy, unpaved road. It was definitely a small village and the house was in shambles. The land had been unkept and the house itself had no roof and was falling apart. You can still see the house number and the rotted steps leading into the main entrance of the house.

Beranci House

Daniel had explained that they used to visit this house and detailed the different areas where they would play. Daniel’s father came from a farming background and they had land in this village. It was so interesting for me to see this house because as I am growing closer to Daniel’s family, I can better understand the struggles and the successes that have shaped who they are now and to see how Daniel is so deeply appreciative of this, it makes me love him more.

In front of the house that Daniel's father was born and raised in Beranci.
In front of the house that Daniel’s father was born and raised in Beranci.

The next place Daniel wanted to show me was the church in the village, Saint Jovan monastery. This church and monastery is situated on the top of a hill and the terrain getting up to it is best suited for off-roading trucks. Every year there is a big festival at this church in July. We were pretty alone on top of this mountain aside from a few people that were preparing for the next day’s festivities. Here Daniel explained that this was where his father and brother had been baptized and this church meant a lot of his family and his heritage. We went into the church to light a candle, most people know that I’m not a religious person, but I do believe in faith and I can appreciate other’s beliefs. There was something very spiritual about being there, I could see Daniel getting slightly emotional as we walked through the tiny church. So much history and heritage here at this church.

Daniel and his cousin, Zoran in front of the Saint Jovan church.
Daniel and his cousin, Zoran in front of the Saint Jovan church.

Beside the church is a bell tower, it is simple and not elaborate, but it stands tall and proud. We learned that Daniel’s childhood friend built it himself.

Bell Tower

As we took pictures in front of it the bell tower, I felt Daniel’s grip on me harden. I was trying to make my way, but he stopped me and held my hands tight. I knew immediately something was up and instantly got butterflies in my stomach. I was holding my phone in one hand and Daniel took it and set it beside us.

Photo taken right before the proposal.
Photo taken right before the proposal.

As I looked around to his cousin and his gf, I saw that one was filming and one was taking photos. My mind went blank and I could barely focus on what Daniel was saying to me at the most important moment in my life. The proposal was perfect. I won’t get into the details of what he said, but it was heartfelt and the most romantic he’s ever been. We had an audience of farmers and even a tractor in the mix. It was such a magical moment in this far away land, it felt like I was living in a real life fairytale.


down knee 2



The Tiffany Setting, classic and timeless.
The Tiffany Setting, classic and timeless.

Take a look at quick clip of our proposal!