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Pretty much sums up the weather and how I feel everyday. January 27th was my 6 month anniversary moving to Sweden and I have to say, it’s still hard to adjust to this place. Work thankfully has been keeping me busy and I started with Swedish classes again because I am falling behind learning the language, but that hasn’t ease this depressive state that I am in when I am alone thinking about living here. I received my W-2 taxes from the US and I cried thinking that I would never be able to make that much here. I’ve become this ambitious person due to my success and overcoming the struggle of coming up from nothing… to now starting over. It’s a tough pill to swallow.

Nothing, I mean NOTHING at all happens here. Boring isn’t a strong enough word to describe the sheer agony of getting through each day and week. And not having my friends here has been tough. The girls here are lovely and have been so welcoming, but everyone has their own lives and kids so I am on a different phase of life. I can’t relate with the kid stuff. I am a person that needs the support of my girlfriends around me. I miss each and everyone of them so much. My only hope is that Spring comes early and pulls me out of my funk. Now I know why people take beach vacations in the Winter here… The gray sucks your soul.

One Comment

    • Linda Souza

    • 10 years ago

    Aww. I hope things are looking up. Winters felt very long for me in Pittsburgh too. I bet you’ll surprise yourself at how much you’ll love spring there. 🙂