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There are some people that you meet that you know that you are going to be friends forever. That’s exactly how I feel about my ex-partners, Leslie and James. Not only were we great partners, we are great friends. We worked so well together that other teams envied our love for each other. It was really the best part of my job, coming to work everyday and working with people that I love. I was worried that we would lose touch once I moved to Sweden, but our relationships have remained. I am so thankful to have them in my life as they make me a better person.

Meeting this little cutie, Lucas Pond, for the first time.
Meeting this little cutie, Lucas Pond, for the first time.

This adorable little guy is Lucas Pond. I was so happy to be able to meet him because the last time I was around, he was still safely tucked in his mommy’s tummy. Leslie and I worked together everyday during most of her pregnancy. I watched her adorable belly grow and would often talk to him while waiting for doctors to come meet us. I would feel him kick with excitement, usually when we were eating Korean BBQ. I learned a lot about pregnancy through what she went through and saw the beauty that came from being pregnant. She was always the most stylish and beautiful pregnant woman I had ever seen. She continued to work her little butt off even when she could barely move. I admire her so much for her humor, grace and loving heart. I miss her all the time.

The beautiful Pond family.
The beautiful Pond family.