

It has become our tradition when Miho comes to visit that we start the morning at Porto’s for some fresh pastries and the strongest iced coffee then we make our way to the desert.

Starting the day as we always do, loading up on sugar for our shopping day!
Our game plan.
Our game plan.

Cabazon is by far the best designer outlet ever. Top high end designer at low discounted prices, it really can’t be beat. We always have a great time “saving” money and finding great deals. This year I had planned to do my Christmas shopping early.

Our first stop was in Moncler!
Our first stop was in Moncler!

Since this would be my first full Swedish winter so I had to be prepared, so our first stop was Moncler. They are the best when it comes to down coats and they usually have coats with high designs in mind. I was able to pick up 2 coats for the price of one! Scored!

After a full day of shopping, this is our loot!

We did a little shopping damage, but both of us stayed close to our budgets! 😉 But on a good note, I was able to buy all of the Christmas gift early! No last minute shopping for me!

Pho hits the spot every time!
Pho hits the spot every time!

After a fun exhausting day we needed to eat something delicious and cheap! So this is also part of our tradition, stopping by my favorite pho restaurant, Pho Pasteur.