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Today we celebrate Daniel’s first Father’s day in Sweden. This year of becoming first time parents has been incredible and challenging, but through it all Daniel remained constant. He’s the rock of our family and the one that keeps the wheels moving. To watch him transform from husband to father has been the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. Theodore is such a lucky boy to have such a caring, hands on and loving father. He will protect him, show him the world, teach him about life, but most importantly, he will love him unconditionally.

I couldn’t wish for a better father for Theodore or a better partner in life. Life isn’t always easy and there are things that happen that are out of our control, but Daniel is a true optimist. He only sees the positive in every situation and for that I am inspired by him. Even through our challenges adjusting to parenthood, he only sees the best and highlights.

So today is our day to show Daniel exactly how much he means to us and how much we love him. Happy First Father’s Day to our Mr. Incredible.