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So we are going a little bit back in time to Theodore’s Christening! I wanted to wait for the professional photos before I posted them.

Theodore wore an heirloom christening gown that has been passed down in Daniel’s family. It’s the same gown Daniel wore for his christening so it make it extra special.

I was so thankful that my sister got to be apart of our special day. She always makes these events better for me since she’s my only family. And she’s my favorite dress up partner. We always tend to dress alike even if we hadn’t planned it.

We had the christening in the same church Daniel and I got married in, it was so special to be back there and this time with our son.

We have to give a huge thanks to our awesome Godparents. Vesna was in charge of carrying Theodore and he is not light anymore. He started off fine and calm, but during the second half of the ceremony he was just a crying, screaming mess. Vesna was cool as a cucumber and held on to him as he moved and screamed.

At one point he looked straight at us with a look that broke my heart. It was nerve wrecking watching your child scream and cry and you couldn’t go and console him.

Afterwards, we had the reception at the local Odd Fellows Hall.

We decorated it the day before and had a small cake table.  I wanted to keep it elegant and simple since I was decorating it myself.

The theme colors were angelic white, gold and baby blue accents. It was the first time I blew up helium balloons myself, next time I need to remember to shut off the gas because it didn’t last as long as I needed it to. LOL. Either way I’m happy how it turned out!

I wanted to have some customized touches so I had personalized napkins and candy gift bags with Theodore’s name and date on it.

The day was a bit stressful for me which most parties that we host are… of course I wanted everything to be perfect. There were to be 70+ people at this christening which to me felt like we were planning another wedding. We even had a last minute venue change to accommodate everyone.

Parties in Sweden are different than the US because you have to do everything yourself. So not only did we have decorate the venue ourselves, the food comes without servers or people helping to put out the food. The guy literally dropped off the food and left. So we were frantically trying to get the food out while people were waiting. We should have hired servers. That’s a tip for next time. So we hosted and worked the party. It might be easier and less stressful to have some help.

After dinner we danced! We hired the same Macedonian musicians that played at our wedding!

It was a perfect end to a beautiful day with a very special meaning.

It bonded us together a family under one God and one religion and although I’ve never been religious, it’s nice to think that someone is watching over us. A little bit of faith goes a long way.