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There were times when I wished things would move along quicker especially during the challenging moments, but now time just flies. My sweet little baby, Theodore, is 5 months old today and I just can’t believe it. He is growing and changing right before my eyes. He is starting to look less of a baby and more like a boy and that is freaking me out. I want him to stay my little baby forever!

This month we had our second US guest come to visit, my bff Helen! It was only for a week, but she came at the perfect time. Being at home on maternity leave can be very isolating especially if you don’t have any mommy friends nearby. I’m so thankful I can stay home with Theodore for a year, but it does often times feel like groundhog day… nothing changes other than Theo’s moods. LOL. So it was a nice break from my everyday reality to have a friend visit that knew me before I became a mom.

Helen is a fantastic cook and made us dinner everyday and even sometimes lunch. It was such a nice break to not have to stress about what to make for dinner. But the best thing of all was just being together and reminiscing about our time in LA and reflecting on how far we’ve come. We are at different places in our lives, but we’re always so connected as friends should be. I even went out for my first girl’s night out to the opera in Denmark! We had an amazing meal and listened to a wonderful opera singer. Helen had purchased the tickets for us before she arrived, so thoughtful of her to get me out of the house!

In terms of motherhood changes this month things are still getting better. Nursing Theodore is no longer painful and we have a rhythm. He’s not as fussy at the breast as he used to be although when he’s cranky he can be a little pill. I’ve started going on longer walks with him outside and he has completely switched to his sitting stroller. He loves seeing everything around him. He’s grabbing things and shoving them in his mouth and he’s still the happiest little thing.

In his sitting stroller now

He is also in his highchair now. He needs pillows to help stabilize him, but he loves being high up and joins us when we’re having dinner. I’ve slowly introduced him to flavors, he can’t eat solids yet, but I’ve been letting him taste fruits and other things. So far he seems to like it! I can’t wait to be able to feed him it’ll be so fun!

Sleep…well sleep is still a challenge. We’ve moved him from our bed to his own crib, but still in our room since he is still waking up 3+ times to feed. Daniel has finally moved back into our room, but I’m guessing he wishes he could stay in the other room far from the crying baby. LOL. We have our good nights where both Theo and I can fall asleep after nursing, but more often I’m pretty beat and exhausted in the morning. I’m trying to live in the moment and enjoy this time however challenging it may be. We will move him into his nursery this month and I’m having some mixed emotions. Part of me will miss having him close, I enjoy it as much as he does, but I know the sooner he can sleep on his own the better we will all be. And my main job as a Mother is to make sure he’s self-sufficient.

Baby swim will be ending this month so we’ll need to find other activities we can do together. I heard from someone that there is baby movie theater so we might check that out. We are still going to our mama fitness classes and we’ve been meeting some other moms for fika so that’s been great. The weather has been getting better so that gives me so much more energy.

Watching Mommy work out

Theodore has been able to roll since he was 3 months old, but doesn’t do it consistently. He’s do it several times a day, but that’s it. We tease him calling him “lazy” because he doesn’t want to exercise, but it’s the cutest thing.

At 5 months old, he’s definitely the most talkative baby we know. He wakes up talking and is super vocal all day until he goes to bed. He has lots of conversations with his toys! I can’t wait to see what he’s like at 6 months, but I’m also dreading it! He’s growing too fast and I’m trying so hard to remember all these special moments.

One Comment

  1. Theodore is looking real good Melissa – seems you are feeding him what he needs to be healthy and bouncy (love the cheeky grin). Yes they do grow quickly – too quickly. A friend of mine started a daily ‘photo diary’ – a random snap of her toddler every day – it will be a catalogue of her growth during that spurt period that just goes all too quickly.