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Today is Theodore’s first month birthday! It has been a crazy, amazing, physically and emotionally draining month. As my friend Linda said, “the nights are long, but the years are short”. I already don’t want him to grow up too fast.

Things are getting better although sleep is a luxury. Theodore is growing weekly and has already outgrown some of his newborn clothes! Good thing we didn’t buy so many. He is sleeping a lot, eating regularly and pooping/farting up a storm. The only part that has been challenging is his gas issues. He grunts and squeals at night which sounds so painful it breaks my heart. We’ve done everything from burping, gas drops, baby aerobics and tummy massages to help him pass the gas. I just pray he doesn’t develop colic because that would be a nightmare.

It was our first Christmas and New Year with him. It was fun to be surrounded by family and to see that so many people love him. My sister came to visit, she grew a bond with Theodore right away and I loved seeing this softer side of her.

As you can imagine there wasn’t much we could do with a newborn so we celebrated the holidays at home. I managed to eat in between feedings and naps. I was lucky to have Daniel and Daisy’s help while I tried to catch a few Zzzs.

Theodore is able to follow my gaze and has the cutest little smile and makes sounds likes he’s cooing. He melts my heart and as each day passes I want him to stay my little baby forever. He has turned my world upside down and even when I am feeling so overwhelmed his little smile is like a shot of adrenaline straight to my heart. I would give anything for him. Happy one month birthday my little love.