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3rd Trimester

We are rounding out week 30! I can’t believe we’re only 10 weeks away from D-day! I’ve been really bad about taking my weekly bump pictures, but so much has been happening since my last update.

Baby boy is now constantly moving! He moves around all day, but mostly when I’m trying to sleep. From my first weigh in until now I’ve gained 6 kg or 12 lbs. I’ve been craving sugar like crazy. The backaches have returned along with some discomfort and pain in random areas… but it’s supposedly all normal stuff. Finding a comfortable position when sleeping is proving to be a challenge. I feel as big as a house, but it’s all worth the discomfort knowing that he’s healthy and growing safely inside this dome. LOL.

Some of my anxiety around delivery has lessen, mainly because I’ve been seeing and talking to everyone under the sun, but also because I have come to terms that he’s coming out regardless of my fears and I’d better just deal with it.

We’ve cleared out the guest rooms and moved our junk into our finished storage shed! It turned out so cute!

We’ve started nesting…or more like I’ve started nesting. Daniel painted the nursery last weekend. And we purchased some of the furniture that will be in baby boy’s room. We also got this soft and comfy rug for his room.

The nursery colors will be grey, white and baby blue. It’s been hard finding things in Sweden that you would normally find for a baby’s nursery in the US, but I’m making due and compromising where I can.

I also built the changing table which I was pretty proud about because the instructions were in Chinese, thank goodness for Google Translate!