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2nd trimester 2nd month

Every month into each trimester has been a new experience. In this month, I’ve experienced what I call the “hungry monster” phase. I’m eating non-stop! I’m talking all day, every day, every few hours! I’ve been told by my friends that this is a good thing since the baby is growing, but seriously, I never thought I would get tired of eating so often! I’m trying to make healthy smart choices when I do snack or get the crazy hunger pains. It usually comes with a bit of nausea and stops the minute I eat.

This month we had our second ultrasound and we found out the sex of the baby! You already know what I’m having from my announcement, but we’re so excited to have a boy! Okay, so let’s be real for a second. We all know that we moms-to-be are suppose to not favor one gender or another, so long as we have a healthy baby. I completely agree with the later part, but I don’t feel any shame for saying that my heart was hoping for a little girl. Of course, I’m thrilled we’re having a boy and so happy to know what the gender is so we can start planning, but I can’t lie that I was hoping to decorate a little girl’s room.

During the ultrasound Baby Nackovski was his chill self, kicking back and relaxing. I swear this baby is just like his father! LOL. In the ultrasound you could see his little pouty lips, his long strong legs and cute little arms and hands. It’s been such an amazing experience each time we see him. I just want him here already! He’s started moving…I think. I say this because he hasn’t started kicking yet or at least hard enough for me to feel it. I do feel something, but I can’t tell what it is. People keep telling me it feels like butterflies, but I have no idea what butterflies in my stomach are suppose to feel like?! LOL.

I know that my 2nd trimester bliss is quickly coming to an end with one more month and from what I’ve heard from other moms the 3rd trimester will be more of the same as the 1st… uncomfortable, exhausting and not always feeling my best. I’ve been slowly starting to prepare for it by going to the gym more and taking longer walks. I want to make sure I’m in some kind of shape before this all happens. Right now, I’m just loving and enjoying this moment.