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So I want to introduce you to someone really near and dear to my heart. Meet Elephant. Yes, that’s his name, I guess I wasn’t the most creative child. Elephant has been with me since the age of 7 or 8. He was my most precious stuff animal given to me by a family friend. He’s been with me through high school, college, when I moved to LA and Sweden. He wasn’t always on display, but he was always loved and carefully tucked away. I was a bit of an OCD child just like my adult self now. I take care of the things I love and that’s why Elephant is in near perfect condition. I had always dreamt that I would one day be able to pass this precious gift to my child and soon I will get the chance!

According to – In China, India and Africa, the elephant is a symbol for power, dignity, intelligence and peace. The elephant is generally considered a symbol of good luck and the animal is a symbol of good fortune. They also symbolize wisdom, loyalty, strength, fidelity and longevity.

The shoes: Adidas Superstars because he’s our little superstar!!! And because his mom is a shoe addict.

As for the book, when I moved to Sweden almost 3 years ago, Daniel thought I was crazy to bring some children’s books with me. But I knew that one day we would have children and I wanted to share the stories that I loved as a child. Yes, I know I could have bought them later, but it was an impulse buy. One of those books is, Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. It’s such a touching story that captures the bond between mother and son. So I’ll end this post with a little excerpt from the book dedicated to my baby boy:

I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
As long as I’m living
my baby you’ll be.