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2nd Trimester Week 13-16weeks

So I think there is no doubt about it, I’m pregnant and it shows. I can no longer hide my growing belly under big sweaters or jackets. I’m now displaying the baby bump loud and proud!

So what’s changed in this first month of my 2nd trimester? A lot. I have some of my old energy back and although I still get tired I’m not so sluggish all day as I was in my 1st trimester. I’ve started upping my game at the gym and have been more active during the day. It feels so good to sweat it out. I still get winded so I’m not working out to the max, but I’m happy that my strength is slowly coming back. One of my close girlfriend who just had a baby said the gym really helped her both during the pregnancy and after the birth. She was always very active, but she said that it kept her mind and body in check and now after 4 months postpartum she’s back to her pre-baby body!

I wasn’t in the best shape before the pregnancy, in fact, I was a bit overweight for my height 4’10” (152cm), but I think the baby is actually helping me stay healthy. I’m so concerned with what I’m putting in my body that I’ve changed the way I eat and of course the portion sizes. I hope that this helps me get back into shape after the baby, but mostly I hope this will help the baby grow to be healthy. I would like to be a role model for healthy living and up until this point I never really thought about it. But this is my way to make an effort and hopefully lifestyle change to keep being healthy after the baby is born.

People have asked me about weird cravings, but I’m not sure if I have any strange cravings. I eat a lot more fruits and vegetables, but I will say, I tend to dress my salads with more vinegar than usual. I love the sour taste of it mixed with the salty dressing. So maybe that’s it, I’m craving sour and salt. Does that mean I’m having a boy?

We’ll find out the gender of the baby in the next few weeks, but until then I’m just going to enjoy this time. I’m totally embracing and loving being pregnant now that I feel so good. It’s really such a magical time.