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If you’re like me you don’t like to throw away your nice designer shopping bags. Why you might ask? Well, they are usually made of really high quality paper so you think you can  use them for things around the house. Or you’ve worked so hard to earn that bag that you don’t want to throw it away. Either way, I have a fun solution to keep them forever! Turn them into home decor!

Find a frame that fits the bag you want to frame. Take a pair of scissors and cut half of the bag… I know nervous right? Don’t worry, it’ll  look great!

Once you’ve cut the bag, measure out the handle and cut to shorten. You don’t want the handle to cover the words on the bag. Once in position, tape the bag to the frame so it doesn’t move. Put that backing of the frame back on and you’re done!

It looks good right?! I decided I wanted to make a wall collage out of different shapes and different bags. Here is how it turned out!