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Get Fit

If you’re like most people your New Year’s resolution to get fit has already taken a hit. You started off the year setting what you felt were realistic goals such as no sugar, working out 5 times a week and cutting out carbs. Now it’s March and you’ve fallen off the wagon, either because of work related events, traveling, birthdays, a breakup, a new relationship…etc. You get my drift? How do I know all of this? It’s because I struggle with this same issue everyday. My friends used to joke that I started a new diet on a Monday and ended it on a Tuesday. They were amazed if I lasted a few weeks or even months! At that time I was living in LA and there was always a pressure to stay thin even if you aren’t in the entertainment industry. When you are surrounded by modelesque women on the streets it tends to have some influence.

I’ve been food obsessed my whole life and definitely eat my feelings, good and bad. But as I’m getting older reality is hitting me and so is gravity! I’m not a skinny mini nor ever will be. I’ve got curves and I love them, but I want to be healthy and strong. I want to be strong, not skinny.

So instead of trying another diet that doesn’t work because I have zero willpower to deprive myself from foods I love. I’m going to start off slow and easy. First by setting truly realistic goals. You can do tons of research on how to “lose weight” and you will find thousands of articles about the best way to do it. I believe in listening to your body and for me it’s about food (portion control!) and exercise.

That’s what I’m going to tackle first the food and exercise portion. My goal is to eat smaller portions several times a day instead of the 3 large meals I eat currently. Also, to incorporate more fruits and vegetables. As for the exercise part, my goal is to workout 3 times a week to start. First slowly with some easier activities to get my body used to working out again. I actually enjoy working out and being active. I love playing tennis and often play on Sundays with my husband. I need to keep doing active things that I enjoy so it doesn’t become routine and boring. I also love to take the spinning class at my local gym, a great way to burn calories.

Another important thing to do while you’re trying to get back into shape is to make sure you have plenty of sleep. In this sleep deprived world we are living it, that seems like a luxury. Sleep is so important to your overall health that you should prioritize it. When I’m traveling for work, I hardly have time to bounce to the right time zone let alone have a good night sleep, but I find that working out helps to regulate the body. I always easier for me to sleep when I’m traveling after a good workout. So that’s it! These are my goals and I suggest you set some really attainable goals yourself. Good luck!

Melissa’s Get Fit Goals:

  1. Eat portion controlled meals
  2. Working out 3x a week to start
  3. Get some sleep!