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First Deal

Today was a pretty exciting day at work. Seven months ago Trialbee took a risk hiring me as a newly imported American. I had just been here for 3 months and eagerly looking for any job that would take me. With my background being in pharmaceutical sells, I wanted to stay in the industry. I was thrilled when they hired me as a Key Account Manager.

They had welcomed me to their all Swedish team and switched to an all english speaking office just to make me feel more comfortable. I was brought in to close deals in the US, a market in which they had yet to tap into. They are experts in Europe, but needed a way in to the US market and what better way than to bring in an American! I felt the pressure to perform well since they had given me such a great start to my Swedish life, I couldn’t let them down.

This week we signed and closed our first deal in the US with a big pharmaceutical company. I had been traveling back and forth to New York for meetings and with 4 rounds of negotiations, they finally signed the deal. I am so glad I didn’t let my Trialbee family down. I learned that not only was this the first deal in the US and a new therapeutic area, but also that it was the largest single deal to date. I am so proud of the team and of myself for believing that this was possible. This will hopefully lead to many other deals, but it’s a great start! We are coming for you, USA!