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Ales Sten


On a rare sunny weekend in Sweden, Daniel took me sightseeing. Our first stop was Ales Stenar. Today this fascinating monument consists of 59 raised stone blocks placed in a gigantic ship formation. 67 meters in length and 19 meters wide Ales stenar constitutes Sweden’s largest remaining stone ship. Ship formed stone circles like Ales stenar are usually dated to the Bronze or Iron Age.


It was breathtaking here and it was such a beautiful day. This location is near the beaches and it felt like an exotic land and not much like the Sweden I know.

Spring is finally here, it has been a really tough Winter. I had expected the cold and rain, but I did not anticipate the gray and how it can really eat at your soul. This picture represents the joy I felt with the sun in my face! It’s amazing how one can adapt, but can quickly appreciate the things that I used to take for granted…like sunlight. LOL.


This was Sandhammeran a beach nearby. It was absolutely beautiful and this was taken without a filter. Sweden is gorgeous in Spring.