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It’s Linda! I am so excited to have Linda on board at Trialbee. She is going to do amazing things with our company. When the bosses were talking about new marketing objectives and possibly finding someone, I immediately sold them on Linda. Not only is she a marketing master. She is also the smartest, hard working, out-of-the box thinker I know. We had to have her. I had them so eager they wanted to set up a meeting right away. A week later they were in Los Angeles to meet her and 2 weeks after that, she was in Sweden! Gotta love start ups, everything happens so fast!

IMG_3767 It was a very short trip, but we accomplished a lot. I can’t wait to get started with some of our marketing objections. The team loved her and most importantly we got to have such a nice visit with our froomie (friend + roommate). Can’t wait until the next time!