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I am so thankful that I have a job in Sweden that allows me to travel back to the states from time to time. This was my first trip back and with my boss, Jonas, to a conference in Orlando, Florida. I had booked some meeting with pharmaceutical executives and we were on our way to see them.

I thought going to Orlando I would catch a break from the gray gloominess of Sweden only to be greeted with gloominess in Florida! It rained the first day we arrived and stayed fairly gray and humid the rest of the trip. We had moments of sunshine like the photo above which I took advantage of to the fullest. Overall, the trip was a success and we got to meet with a lot of new contacts and leads. If you’ve forgotten, I sell stuff. Right now, I’m selling an incredible software to help pharmaceutical companies manage their clinical trials. I know, now I’m pitching, but it’s my job and it’s hard to disconnect.

I used to sell for them, now I'm selling to them. Incredible.
I used to sell for them, now I’m selling to them. Incredible.

After Orlando, Jonas left me to go back to Sweden while I made my way to New Jersey to my first booked meeting with Daiichi Sankyo. What can I say about Daiichi Sankyo other than I loved working for them. It was an incredible company and it allowed me to grow personally and professionally. It really pushed me forward and made me focused on what I want to become in the future. I woke up most days loving my job and eager to go to work. Also, it lead to so many amazing friendships and people I consider family. These are bonds I will carry throughout my life and it was all thanks to DSI. Naturally, when I started reaching out, Daiichi Sankyo was the first place I wanted to visit. Thankfully, they invited me back with open arms this time as a vendor.

Glowing Blair and her husband, Kevin.
Glowing Blair and her husband, Kevin.

Speaking of bonds that will last forever, I was able to visit my dear friend Blair! She was one of my partners while working at Daiichi Sankyo. I remember on our first ride along, I had the biggest girl-crush on her! She is beautiful, smart, classy, articulate and a snazzy dresser. She carries herself with grace and I just wanted to be around her. We were partners for a few months before she was promoted and then moved to NYC when her husband got a work promotion. Now she lives in a beautiful penthouse in Manhattan and I was so happy I got to see her while on the East Coast. And…she’s expecting!!! I just adore her and was happy to be able to share a little time with her.


Blair knew my birthday was coming up so she gave me this gorgeous pair of Kate Spade earrings and this fabulous card! She said it looked just like me and I agree! It was such a thoughtful gift, but mostly I am thankful for her friendship. I can’t wait to meet the new bundle of joy one day!