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Girl’s night out

Last night was a much needed girls night out for my Eslöv girls. We’ve been trying to get together for some time, but because of family schedules it hasn’t been possible. I’m so glad it all came together. We started the evening at my place, I had a surprise for the lovely ladies.

For people that know me, they know Valentine’s Day is a special day for me. It’s a day to celebrate your loved ones and to show them how much you appreciate them. I wanted to give the girls a little something to show my appreciation to them for being so sweet and welcoming to me.

Dinner at OCCO Restaurang.
Dinner at OCCO Restaurang.

I made us reservations at OCCO restaurant in Malmö. I had been there before when my friend, Rasika invited me to her girl’s night out. The food is Mediterranean deliciousness. There was an abundance of food, but I was so impressed that we took most of it down. It was an evening of great food and great conversations… exactly what I needed.

The food.
The food.

After dinner, some of us wanted to grab another drink, we didn’t want the night to end so we headed over to Lilla Torg. We found a table at Victor’s and had a drink before heading home and calling it a night. I was so nice to be out and with other girls. I’ve been missing this a lot since moving here. Having girlfriends are an important of having a good support system. We help build each other and it’s nice to have someone that you can talk to. I am glad these ladies have accepted me as one of their own.