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Crazy D

Another amazing shipment has arrived from the states. Like I said before, my sister is crazy, but I love her for it!!! This huge box arrived filled with goodies. It’s like Christmas morning whenever a box arrives. And although he doesn’t admit it, Daniel get’s a little excited too! LOL. My sister is the Queen of thoughtful gifts. Nobody beats her, which makes it impossible to ever TOP her! Here she has sent us a custom Sugarfina of Beverly Hills box of candy for Valentine’s Day. But it isn’t an ordinary box, it’s signed by David Cruz, Bravo’s Milliondollar Matchmaker and Finding Cupid. And she had him sign the Swedish Fish box of candies for me right by the sign that has 2 of my favorite things, Champagne and Chanel! LOL! When she gets it right, she nails it!!! Thank you for my special gift! I don’t want to eat it!

In the box: this black dress is a dress my sister wore that I’ve adored, but when we went to look for one in my size they were sold out, looks like she found it and in my size! Thank you!!! Next is a box that I can’t open until my birthday. I’m sad I’m not going to be able to spend it with her this year, but I hope that she has an amazing time on her birthday trip to CHINA!!!


Probably my favorite items in the box were the custom picture books she made us. One was of the S. America trip we took together last year for our birthdays, I had lost mine during the move and I am so happy to have this back! We had such an incredible trip together, it was by far my favorite trip with her. Next, the book from last Christmas where she spent the holidays in Sweden! We actually managed to do a lot in the 3 weeks she was here, looking back it was such a great time having her here in my new home. She got to meet her new family, the Nackovskis, who love her just as much as I do. This I hope to be a tradition every year! Lastly, the book that brought tears to my eyes the title, “Just the Two of Us”, was a book of all the past memories we’ve shared together. And it goes back to my college days and ends with a bittersweet New Year’s Eve picture of us in Sweden. So many memories I’ve forgotten with my sister always by my side. I am so grateful to her not because she spoils me, but because I know that no matter what happens she will always be there and vice versa. We’ve both gone through so many changes and seeing it all in this book made me appreciate that we are so close. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She is the greatest gift my parents ever gave me, too. 😉


Before I get all teary eyed, had to end this post with this guy. LOL! He was so eager, he had to try it on… and he wore it out tonight. Thank you for your kindness and generosity!!! WE love and miss you!