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Christmas Eve we spent at Daniel’s parent’s house. It’s always so cozy with the fireplace burning and the smell of delicious food being prepared. I was happy to have my sister here this year to experience the amazing food and the sweet Nackovski family.

Merry Christmas from the Tran sisters!
Merry Christmas from the Tran sisters!

I wasn’t allowed to post the pictures of the gifts, but if you could tell by the gift under the tree, everyone made out like a bandit! But the highlight is always the FOOD. Look at this incredible table!

Christmas table
Christmas table
Focused on our food.
Focused on our food.
A sweet gift from my sister... she knows a woman's place is in the kitchen! ;)
A sweet gift from my sister… she knows a woman’s place is in the kitchen! 😉
My sister always gives me the best gifts. :)
My sister always gives me the best gifts. 🙂
The aftermath.
The aftermath.