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This was my first week of work in Sweden. I needed to look and feel my best so DVF was my only choice. There goes more dry cleaning bills! LOL. So far I am loving my new career here. The first few days was a lot of information to absorb and lots to training, but I feel comfortable with the team. They are all young, ambitious and hungry, which is what I love! There is such a cool energy working with a start up company that you don’t feel with other big companies. It’s almost like a “skies the limit” mentality. Next week will surely be more training and getting myself established, but I feel so motivated and ready to sell this incredible software, that I’m chomping at the bit. They are trying to hold me back and all I want to do is GO! LOL!

Champagne at work? Loving start up life!
Champagne at work? Loving start up life!

My office has a pretty cool view of the buildings in Malmö and a cute cafe shop below. It’s only a few minutes walk from the train station so it’s in an ideal location in the city. These are my two awesome bosses. They said this first taste of champagne is on the house, the next one will be when I close a deal. Let’s hope that champagne keeps flowing all the time! Feeling determined!

One Comment

    • Linda Souza

    • 10 years ago

    Sounds like a cool place! How big is the team? How long have they been around?