

Fika is both a Swedish verb and noun that basically implies “drinking coffee”, usually accompanied by something sweet. In some social circles, even a smörgås or a small meal may be denoted “a fika”. In Sweden pastries in general (for example cinnamon buns) are often referred to as fikabröd meaning fika-bread. Swedes consider having a coffee an important part of the culture. This can happen once a day or twice a day usually at 10:30 and/or in the afternoon after lunch, but before dinner. It’s a nice break in the day. I didn’t used to drink as much coffee in the states as I do now. When I moved to Sweden and lived at Daniel’s parent’s house, we had fika twice a day. It was a lot of coffee and sweets, which was lovely to eat, but killer for my waistline. I am much more controlled these days and will choose tea over coffee. But some days you just need something stronger, especially since it’s getting darker and colder everyday.