

This post has taken me double the time to write because I am using my new MacBook Air. I really shouldn’t call it new because I’ve had it for several months, it has been collecting dust in a drawer somewhere because I refuse to use it. Here is the thing, I LOVE my pink Sony Vaio. I’ve been a PC girl since I started using computers. Plus, it has such sentimental value to it, Daniel had it custom built for me in pink and with the inscription of “Melissa Tran – Always and Forever”. I’m used to the PC operating system and can easily navigate everything I want or need.

Out with the old in with the new.
Out with the old in with the new.

The reason I am choosing to slowly migrate to the Mac is because it has a Swedish keyboard. Since I now live in Sweden, I should get used to the Swedish keyboard. Just another thing out of my comfort zone to get used to and it would be such a waste of money if did’t start using it. Lastly, we have slowly turned into an Apple product family, not sure how it happened, but Daniel and I both have iPhones, iPads, iPods and matching MacBook Airs. The connecting capabilities are pretty awesome. But learning this new operating system is tricky, it took me much longer to edit these photos then it did on my PC and I still am unsure of where everything is… I guess it’ll be awhile until I’m up and running on the Mac so in the meantime I will use both! Daniel calls me a nerd, which I am most of the time, but with 2 computers now I’m a super geek!