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There are rare moments in life when you meet someone you connect with on such a deep level that you knew you were always meant to meet. This is how I felt when I met Miho in Arizona on my first training course with DSI. At first I didn’t understand her, probably because of her Japanese accent or the fact that she speaks a 100 words a minute, but there was something so genuine and real about her. Something you don’t always find. During our time at “boot camp” training in New Jersey we bonded and built a deep connection. I knew then that I had made a friend for life.

DSI training class, 2012!
DSI West Area training class, 2012!

She lives in Northern California, but made the effort to always stay in touch and even traveled to see me in Los Angeles. She is my partner in crime when it comes to food, shopping and all things luxurious. You might say she’s a bad influence, but then again, she may say the same thing about me. She has a beautiful family with an adorable son named, Kai. I am so thankful to have her in my life even if we are worlds apart.

My partner in crime!!!
My partner in crime!!!

Happy birthday Miho!!! I wish you nothing, but the very best! I miss you so much, but I know when I see you… it’ll be like no time has past at all. A true sign of a great friendship. Love you doll!

Best Friends Forever!
Best Friends Forever!