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Me and Kara

Happy birthday to one of my craziest, by the far the wildest, and most big hearted friend Kara Bear! We met 7-8 years ago in Los Angeles through our mutual friend Heather. I love her crazy and always positive personality. She is always ready to have a good time. She now lives in Brazil and although we don’t get to talk much, I still hold her very near and dear to my heart. We have so many incredible memories together that living in LA wouldn’t have been the same nor half as crazy without her. We are polar opposites, but somehow we mesh. Happy birthday doll, miss your crazy infectious smile.

Kara's last birthday in Los Angeles.
Kara’s last birthday in Los Angeles.

A funny fact about Kara, she can burp louder than any man I have ever heard. That usually sent my skin crawling, but it was quite amusing.