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Today was my first day of Swedish school in Lund. I go to a school called Folkuniversitetet which has different language courses and even a high school. This isn’t the free government provided class, SFI, I will start that session next week. With Folkuniversitetet, I signed up for a 4 week intensive course where classes are held daily. I can’t tell you how nice it was to get up this morning for a purpose and to put on some real clothes! I know it sounds silly, but these days I’d be happy to comb my hair or throw on a pair of jean instead of sweatpants. And for those that know me… jeans are slumming it. I enjoy the morning rituals of getting ready for work. My mother never left the house unless she was perfectly put together even if she was just going to the grocery store. She was always so fancy. I grew up thinking she was the most beautiful woman in the world. My sister is the same way, she always looks immaculate and polished. I’m not nearly as polished as they are and will have days of not putting on a stitch of make up on my face so it can breathe, but after being stuck at home for so long you forget how to look cute. So I put my “first day of school” outfit together the night before. It definitely made me feel more confident. Looking good makes you feel good. I’m a firm believer in that.

Okay, enough about that, school was great and my class is very diverse. I was happy to see I wasn’t the only American in the room. There were 5 other students from Kentucky and South Carolina, they are in Sweden with a Christian organization. I didn’t get into details as to what they are doing, but they seemed friendly enough. Then there were 2 Italians, 1 Brazilian, 1 German, 1 Ukrainian, 1 Indian (from India), 1 English, 1 French, 1 Saudi Arabian, 1 Libyan and a girl from Vietnam! I have never met another Vietnamese person in Sweden. She moved here with her husband who is Spanish and is working for this huge research facility in Lund. They met in Switzerland when she was working in hospitality at one of the hotels. It was so interesting to hear how people came to Sweden. Two of my classmates are au pairs. We had lawyers, teachers and even a surgeon in the class. Talk about different walks of life. I’m excited to see how the rest of the course progresses, but so far so good. Any my Swedish is getting better too! 😉

What made my day even better was that I found a dry cleaners!!! I finally got to drop of my DVF dresses! They are going to cost a small fortune, but I’m so happy they are finally going to get cleaned! All in all a good day… even if I got on the wrong train home… LOL!