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Last Friday, I made some BBQ pulled pork sandwiches with homemade coleslaw and a side of fries. I thought it would be a fun idea to invite Daniel’s parents over for dinner since I was sure they never had this type of food before. BBQ is very American and this type of meal is more from the south… like Texas. Then it dawned on me when they took their first bite… Macedonians don’t like their meat sweet…and BBQ tends to have a sweetness to it. Daniel doesn’t like sweet meat either, but because he lived in the states for so many years, he developed a taste for it. I am sure his parents didn’t appreciate their meat being drenched in sweet BBQ marinade, but they were very good sports about it. I would like to expose them to different types of food, but I need to keep in mind that their palette isn’t as adventurous as mine. I’ve ever seen them go out for dinner and the food they make is always either Swedish or Macedonian. Good thing I didn’t try to feed them Vietnamese food, they would die!

I feel so blessed to have been able to live in Los Angeles where you could find food from all parts of the world. To be able to have real food experiences from different cultures. The weirder the food, the more excited I am to try it. I couldn’t imagine not trying everything once. I’m going to keep trying to push their boundaries and hopefully they can get a taste of something new and delicious.

One of my more strange food adventure: eating a Guinea Pig in Peru, 2013.
One of my more strange food adventures: eating a Guinea Pig in Peru, 2014. And yes… the head is still attached, you can still see his teeth! It was delicious!