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We have been frantically looking for furniture for the apartment all week. We’ve traveled through 3 cities in order to find what suits our taste…or my taste rather. Daniel has been good about letting me choose most of the furniture and boy is it different here. Swedish furniture is simplistic and modern. We are talking sleek lines, compact and from what I have seen, not very detailed. Great quality and clean designs. Daniel’s only request is that most of it is white. Everything here is white, white walls, and white furniture. To me it looks a bit sterile like a hospital, but that is what is “in” here so I am trying to go with the flow. I on the other hand like big dark colors, I’d like all the walls painted and each room a different color. Daniel explained that since daylight is so hard to come by, picking light colors or white reflects the light and makes everything seem brighter. Since I have yet to experience a full Swedish winter, I will have to trust him and take his word on it.

Our first purchase was our bed frame, also not a common thing to purchase here. Usually you purchase the set with the mattress. But I wanted something different so we decided on a queen sized white New England style bed appropriately named “Romance”. This is definitely more my taste, a bit more detailed. There is a major difference when buying furniture here from the states, here everything is shipped directly from the manufacturer. They don’t carry many items in stock so delivery times can be up to 8 weeks. I had a custom built sofa in Los Angeles that only took 4 weeks and I thought that was too long. Big city vs. small city… patience is a virtue.



    • Louise s

    • 11 years ago

    Love your blog! So interesting to read about your take on things and the comparison to the US. Yes, swedes are very afraid of colour, me included 😉 if you like something more foreign and less Swedish You should visit XXLutz. Some things are a bit over the top but I have found some nice things there.

      • missalovesyou

      • 11 years ago

      Thank you so much Louise!!! You will have to be my shopping partner soon so you can show me the way of the Swedes! Hope you are doing well and thanks again for reading my blog! 🙂