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So you know when you go to Target for just one thing and end up with a cart load of items? Well, that will not be the case here. I am always surprised by how much everyday things cost here in Sweden. Yes, I know their tax rate is high (approximately 25%), but I never really had to do the conversion into US dollars. Daniel usually handled all of that so I never had to think about how much I was actually spending until today. I needed feminine products and dragged Daniel along with me, poor guy, I know. When the final total came up for the few things I purchased I was in sticker-shock. I had purchased: shaving cream, a razor, facial wipes, face wash, panty liners and some body scrubbing mitts for a total close to $60 USD! Really?! This is just a fraction of the things I need to maintain myself. Yikes! I guess I better start looking into some generic brands, but there is a comfort in seeing brands that I know and trust from home. Oh well. Better start saving if I want shampoo…